CSA -CZECH AIRLINES STOP-OVER PRAGUE offers you the immediate services right on your step of arrival in Prague Ruzyne Airport: with meeting and welcome services, transfer, and different categories of hotel accommodation, sightseeing excursion to various tourist attractions in Czech Republic. Plus cultural and gastronomic programme for the evening in Prague. On your way to Europe, don't miss the opportunity to visit Prague and Czech Republic, to enjoy scenic panorama and delightful experience in a lifetime. Ask your travel agent for more information and booking, or visit our complete review about Czech Airlines: OUR CSA BUSINESS CLASS INFLIGHT TEST ON EUROPEAN ROUTES OUR CSA BUSINESS CLASS INFLIGHT TEST ON INTER-CONTINENTAL ROUTES THE EXCELLENT CSA SAFETY RECORDS (BY THE AVIATION SAFETY NETWORK) CONTACTING CSA COSTUMER SERVICE: sales@csa.cz CSA LOCAL HOMEPAGE FOR NORTH AMERICA Our business readership might be interested to know that CSA CARGO, the flag air-cargo carrier of the Czech Republic, will carry most kinds of consignment from Prague, direct to more than fifty world cities. Or, in co-operation with partner airlines, to further destinations all over the world. The CSA CARGO TRACKING SITA WWW interface is a useful way of tracking if the consignments arrived to or departed from Prague. A few seconds after entering the relevant data in pre-set fields of the form, you will learn the exact position of the consignment you have shipped with CSA Cargo. CSA
CARGO (Prague Ruzyne airport headquarter):